Saint Cyprien School

In our school, “Saint Cyprien” “Vivre et grandir”, there are 16 classes : 7 in Rhéas and 9 in Chachon. There are 410 pupils divided into these two sites. 

Rhéas School
Chachon School

The first one is located near the town center and the other on the outskirts. We are a city school with deep rural roots. The pupils come from every social background. In each site, our pupils are aged from 2,5 years old to 11 years old.
Pupils are coming to school from 9am to 12am and from13:30 pm to 15:45pm.

Canteen and childcare center 

At twelve o’clock, students can have school meals. We’ve got a canteen in each site. Curricular structure provides childcare in the morning and evening from 7:30 until 19.
All the Kindergartens are providing childcare at these moments. 


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